first entry :)

Holaa..welcome to my new blog! actually ini bukan blog pertamaku,  but it's been so long that i intended to create one blog where i can share my reviews about skin care and cosmetics. since some people used to ask me the same question like many times about what kind of product that i use on my face..well i have tried so so sooo many products! you named it, my skin is a mix-product branded skin haha i am not loyal when it comes to skin care :pso this blog i would dedicated for those who's looking for HONEST reviews from me. All my reviews will be made truly based on my real experience using that product. no fake review. THIS IS ALL NOT PAID PROMOTED or endorse.lagian siapa gw yaaa ahhaha pede bgt ada produk mau endorse wkwkwkwkwill start posting after this, harus luangin waktu buat upload foto2 produknya kaan. see ya again on my next post! xxoo
